Agenda at a glance
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Welcome to Avaya Engage - We’re "All In" this Together
Galib Karim, Vice President - Avaya Latin America -
10:20 AM - 10:50 AM
"All In" on The Journey to Cloud Your Partner for a Cloud Future
Jim Chirico, President & CEO Avaya -
10:50 AM - 11:20 AM
Avaya: Engaging Customers with Experiences that Matter
Simon Harrison, SVP & Chief Marketing Officer at Avaya -
11:20 AM - 11:50 AM
Innovation to Transform your Business & Grow your Share
Anthony Bartolo, EVP and Chief Product Officer at Avaya -
11:50 AM - 12:10 AM
The Voice of The Customer
12:10 AM - 12:40 PM
Break - Visit the Expo Floor
12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
Breakout Sessions
(AI, Cloud, Customer Experience, Team Collaboration, Digital Transformation, Innovation, Services)
Breakout 1
Avaya Spaces - Use CasesPersistent Collaboration in the Cloud and with Custom Applications What is it? Why is it relevant? How can it help businesses?
Gabriel Lopez - Business Development Manager for Cloud Solutions - Avaya Latin America
Breakout 2
Automation and Conversational Tools.The exponential growth of virtual assistants has created a unique opportunity to reach more customers in innovative ways. Discover how tools such as Google CC AI in conjunction with Avaya allow you to create conversational experiences for your customers.
Juan Pablo Gomez - Senior Consulting System Engineer Contact Center Solutions - Avaya Latin America
Breakout 3
Team EngagementThe world has changed, remote work, video and collaboration are the common denominator for successful companies. How can you help your company's employees to be more productive using Avaya technology?
Moises Quintana - Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering - Avaya Colombia, Argentina, Chile & Uruguay
Breakout 4
The New Standard: 5 steps to create experiences that matterHow do you enable strategies to stay productive and ensure business continuity during and after a pandemic?
Ricardo Pena - Sales Engineering & Alliance Leader Avaya Brasil
Breakout 5
Channel Strategy, "All in" with our PartnersWelcome to Avaya ENGAGE Latin America Virtual in its first Virtual edition! This session is 100% oriented to our Latin American Business Partnes community.
Santiago Aguirre - Sr. Director for Channel & Distribution - Avaya Latin America -
1:20 PM - 1:50 PM
Breakout 1
Mexico Region Breakout - Innovation at the time you need it mostIt can be a health emergency or it can be a natural disaster: those are the moments of truth that call for innovation as an integral part of a continuity plan. Digital transformation? In circumstances like these it goes from a "nice to have" to a "must have". The horizontal integration of the units that make up a company becomes vital to be able to ensure the customer’s experience in the moments that most need it.
Gabriel Rodriguez - Managing Director - Avaya Mexico
Breakout 2
Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Caribbean & Central America - Regional Breakout - The Digital Worker, a new labor realityIn this presentation we will explore how current circumstances have impacted the traditional worker and forced companies to reinvent themselves in order to meet the new service demands of their customers in different aspects and verticals: contact centers, financial industry, retail, hospitality, healthcare, government, etc. These new labor circumstances have created the new digital worker and we will see how Avaya with its extensive portfolio, has solved these challenges in the region.
Isabel Valer - Managing Director - Avaya Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Caribbean & Central America
Breakout 3
Regional Breakout - The new way of workThe impact and consequences of the Pandemic in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay The way we work has irrevocably changed, this crisis has accelerated the trend towards a remote working world.
Daniel Sacks - Managing Director, Avaya Argentina, Chile & Uruguay
Breakout 4
Regional Breakout Colombia - Customer Experience in times of COVID-19The difficult situation of the global pandemic has become the excuse of many companies for neglecting the quality of service they provide to their customers. Contact centers acquire now a very powerful connotation in the new communication model of companies with their clients. Join me to see how Avaya technology can be the best ally for not sacrificing the performance indicators (KPIs) of your business.
Moises Quintana - Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering - Avaya Colombia, Argentina, Chile & Uruguay
Breakout 5
Regional Breakout - How Technology supported the new Healthcare & Education Scenarios in BrazilIt is in the most critical and emergency moments that technology needs to show its value even more. The worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has affected practically all economy’s sectors.
Marcio Rodrigues - Managing Director, Avaya Brazil
1:50 PM - 2:20 PM
Break - Visit the Expo Floor
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM
Guest Speaker:
Geoff Colvin - Senior Editor General of Fortune & Moderator of "Best CEOs Awards"
Helping Leaders Respond to Disruptive trends in Business -
3:00: PM - 3:20 PM
AVAYA Customer Experience Awards
3:20 PM - 4:05 PM
Guest Speaker:
Lars Ulrich - CO-Founder & Drummer - Metallica The Life & Times of Lars Ulrich
10:00 AM - 10:10 AM
Welcome to Avaya ENGAGE Latin America Day 2!
Galib Karim, Vice President - Avaya Latin America -
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM
Artificial Intelligence & Automation Panel
Gaston Tanoira, Head of Technology & Business Development - Avaya Latin America -
10:40 AM - 11:10 AM
Multiexperience Era & New Habits
Manuel Torres Elizondo, Director of Advanced Architecture - Avaya Latin America -
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
Avaya OneCloud™ Subscription is a great opportunity for you to equip your employees to “Achieve More” in terms of productivity, team collaboration, and customer experience
Carlos Bertholdi, Head of Strategic Services - Avaya Latin America -
11:40 AM - 12:10 AM
The Voice of The Customer Panel
12:10 AM - 12:50 PM
Break - Visit the Expo Floor
12:50 PM - 1:30 PM
Breakout Sessions
(AI, Cloud, Customer Experience, Team Collaboration, Digital Transformation, Innovation, Services)
Breakout 1
Devices + Apps the perfect combination to boost productivityJoin this session and let’s discover how devices can address our daily requirements, with the capacity and intelligence required to answer the different challenges in the business and adapting to all the different needs. Also, check the power of the perfect combination between hardware and applications to be aligned with your strategies, making our companies stronger and prepared to grow.
Caio Moreno - Business Development Manager of Devices Portfolio - Avaya Latin America
Breakout 2
"Digital Customer Experience"How to provide an excellent experience to digital customers through Avaya technology? – (Omnicanality - Social Media - Analytics - Customer Journey)
Iuri Sebejencovas - Consulting Sales Engineer - Customer Experience Solutions - Avaya Brazil
Breakout 3
MultiExperience - The Entire Organization at the Service of the ClientYou will learn about the concept of MultiExperience. What is the evolution of Omnicanality? The next trend in the world of Customer Experience? How to get the entire organization to join the strategy of Customer Service?
Michael Rembold - Senior Manager Sales Engineering - Avaya Mexico
Breakout 4
Innovating with Avaya AlliancesFind out how companies like Afiniti, Google, Nuance and Verint have collaborated with Avaya to bring innovative productivity and customer service solutions.
Juan Pablo Stamati - Business Development Manager for Contact Center Solutions - Avaya Latin America
Breakout 5
"In the New Normality, all roads lead to the Digital Transformation" Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)Digital transformation (DX) initiatives and Remote Workers are not something new nor were they born out of crisis situations such as the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus outbreak, however, this situation is accelerating digital transformation initiatives and driving the evolution of how we communicate and collaborate to get the job done.
Mario Cruz - Business Development Manager for Team Engagement & Collaboration Solutions - Avaya Latin America
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Break - Visit the Expo Floor
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
The Voice of The Customer - Brazil
2:20 PM - 3:05 PM
Drew Krauss - Research Vice President - Gartner
3:05 PM - 3:20 PM
Top Ten Engagement Ranking & Charity Donation to "Doctors Without Borders"
Natalia Sanchon, Marketing Director - Avaya Latin America & Maggie Bautista, Marketing Director - Avaya Mexico -
3:20: PM - 4:20 PM
All In - Making Things Happen
Guest Speaker: Rodrigo Garduño Founder of 54D brand. High performance Coach. Former pro Soccer Player