Building Conversational AI and Analytics Solutions

Helping businesses with Conversational AI and Analytics solutions to be more customer-driven. Avaya’s leading communications platform will be delivering Sestek's conversational solutions to help businesses understand customers better and focus on things to make their life easier. Using Sestek's AI-driven automation, analytics and security solutions, companies will increase their efficiency without compromising customer experience.

Let’s redefine efficiency smartly

Automation with Natural Dialog

In today's business world, the formula is simple: Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. Companies have to re-visit their every process to make it more automated. But this can come with a heavy price: Compromise on customer experience. Luckily with Sestek's AI-backed automation solutions, companies do not have to make that choice. Sestek helps businesses to provide intelligent self-service solutions to their customers, increasing both efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Analytics with Voice of the Customer

For businesses, identifying and acting upon customer insights is an important competitive edge to make customer-centric decisions. Sestek's conversational analytics solutions help monitoring all text and voice-based interactions and analyzing the engagement and pinpointing areas to improve the experience of the customer and the performance of the support channels.

Security with Voice Biometrics

Today customers want everything fast. Companies need to keep up with this speed without compromise. Sestek's voice biometrics solutions meet organizations’ needs for high levels of security at customer-desired speed.


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